0733 129 129
0721 875 503
Produsele Noastre
Motoare cu lant
Motoare cu lant KS4
Motoare cu lant KSA
Actuatoare piston
Actuatoarele PLA
Actuatoarele cu piston PLS
Actuator piston SP
Actionare cu pinion si cremaliera
Motoare voleti/brise soleil
Motorul cu brat oscilant
FTA600 DF S12 24V DC
FTA600 GF S12 24V DC
FTA600 R S12 24V DC
Sisteme de blocare
FV – sistem de incuiere
FVR – sistemul de actionare a inchiderii
FVB – sistem de incuiere
FVM – sistem de incuiere
OFV – sistem inlocuire maner actionare ferestre
Centrale de comanda SHEV – compact and modular
Centralele EMB 7300
Centralele EMB 8000
Sisteme de inchidere/zavoare
Sisteme RWA
Centrale de comanda
Motoare cu lant
Motoare cu lant KS4
Motoare cu lant KSA
Actuatoare piston
Actuatoarele cu piston PLS
Actuatoarele PLA
Actuator piston SP
Actionare cu pinion si cremaliera
Motoare voleti/brise soleil
Motorul cu brat oscilant
FTA600 DF S12 24V DC
FTA600 GF S12 24V DC
FTA600 R S12 24V DC
Sisteme de blocare
FV – sistem de incuiere
FVR – sistemul de actionare a inchiderii
FVB – sistem de incuiere
FVM – sistem de incuiere
OFV – sistem inlocuire maner actionare ferestre
Centrale de comanda SHEV – compact and modular
Centralele EMB 7300
Centralele EMB 8000
Sisteme RWA
Descarca inpentrumatii despre produse si tehnologii
Spindle drives PL6/PL10
Inpentrumatii produs
Application examples PL in RWA hardware sets
957 KB
Mounting examples PL in RWA hardware sets
937 KB
Overview of RWA hardware sets
1 MB
Mounting accessories PL6/PL10
470 KB
Accesorii pentru drives
477 KB
Data sheet PL6/PL10 S1 24V DC
144 KB
Instructiuni instalare
Installation instruction PL in RWA hardware sets
2 MB
Certificate si declaratii& declarations
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity PL S1
109 KB
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity RWA1xxx
110 KB
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Drives
1 MB
Rapoarte testare
Re1000+ PL6 & FV as RWA1050 hardware set on side hung window
1 MB
B300 PL6 & FV als RWA1050 hardware set on side hung window
1 MB
RWA1000 Hardware systems
Inpentrumatii produs
Application examples RWA hardware systems
957 KB
Mounting examples RWA hardware systems
937 KB
Mounting dimensions RWA1000
1,000 KB
Overview RWA hardware systems
1 MB
Mounting accessories RWA hardware systems
470 KB
Accesorii pentru drives
477 KB
Data sheet RWA1000 with PL10 S1 & FV3 24V DC
128 KB
Data sheet RWA1000 with PL10 S1 & OFV1 24V DC
116 KB
Data sheet RWA1000-TE with PL10 S1 & FV1 & USKM 24V DC
160 KB
Data sheet RWA1000-TE with PL10 S1 & OFV1 & USKM 24V DC
152 KB
Instructiuni de instalare
Installation instruction PL / RWA1000
2 MB
Certificate si declaratii& declarations
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity RWA1000
110 KB
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity FVx
109 KB
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Drives
1 MB
Rapoarte testare
Re1000+ RWA1000 with PLA5 & OFV1 on side hung window
2 MB
Re1000+ RWA1050-TE with PL6 & FV on side hung window
1 MB
B300 RWA1050-TE with PL6 & FV on side hung window
1 MB
RWA1050 Hardware systems
Inpentrumatii produs
Application examples RWA hardware systems
957 KB
Mounting examples RWA hardware systems
937 KB
Mounting dimensions RWA1050
989 KB
Overview RWA hardware systems
1 MB
Mounting accessories RWA hardware systems
470 KB
Accesorii pentru drives
477 KB
Data sheet RWA1050 with PL6 S1 & FV3 24V DC
160 KB
Data sheet RWA1050 with PL6 S1 & OFV1 24V DC
145 KB
Data sheet RWA1050-TE with PL6 S1 & FV1 & USKM 24V DC
200 KB
Data sheet RWA1000-TE with PL6 S1 & OFV1 & USKM 24V DC
167 KB
Instructiuni de instalare
Installation instruction PL / RWA1050
2 MB
Certificate si declaratii& declarations
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity RWA1050
110 KB
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity FVx
109 KB
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Drives
1 MB
Rapoarte testare
Re1000+ RWA1050-TE with PL6 & FV on side hung window
1 MB
B300 RWA1050-TE with PL6 & FV on side hung window
1 MB
RWA1100 Hardware systems
Inpentrumatii produs
Application examples RWA hardware systems
957 KB
Mounting dimensions RWA1100
1 MB
Mounting examples RWA hardware systems
937 KB
Overview RWA hardware systems
1 MB
Mounting accessories RWA hardware systems
470 KB
Accesorii pentru drives
477 KB
Data sheet RWA1100 with PL10 S1 & FV3 24V DC
137 KB
Data sheet RWA1100-TE with PL10 S1 & FV1 & USKM 24V DC
170 KB
Instructiuni de instalare
Installation instruction PL / RWA1100
2 MB
Certificate si declaratii& declarations
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity RWA1100
110 KB
CE Declaration of Conpentrumity FVx
109 KB
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Drives
1 MB
Rapoarte testare
Re1000+ RWA1050-TE with PL6 & FV on side hung window
1 MB
B300 RWA1050-TE with PL6 & FV on side hung window
1 MB
Re1000+ RWA1000-TE with PLA5 & OFV on side hung window
2 MB
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